How gLOVE Treat Paraffin Wax Treatment for Hands and Feet Works
Flip flop and strappy sandal time is here again so it's time to get your summer skin out. Visit glovetreat.com to order a set today and say goodbye to those dry, calloused heels and hands.
gLOVE Treat was created out of a desire to find a better, easier paraffin wax application treatment for hands and feet. This luxurious at-home skin treatment is made from all natural ingredients including coconut and essential oils. The healing benefits from paraffin wax and coconut oil combine in these one size fits all hygienic gloves and boots. Say goodbye to dry skin on your hands and feet is only 90 seconds away in the microwave is all it takes. After 15 minutes, simply rub in the remaining oils and you will feel the effects for several days. Each gLOVE Treat treatment is can be used four times. We recommend using the treatments once a week for the best results.
Watch the video and/or read the transcript below:
Deanna Montrose: Hi, I'm Deanna Montrose. I'm the creator and founder of gLOVE Treat. gLOVE Treat is a revolutionary and enhanced paraffin wax treatment for your hands and feet.
The idea behind gLOVE Treat came from the frustration that I had of the paraffin hand and foot treatment in my salon industry. Basically, what it came down to is this pot pouring hot wax into baker's bags and putting your hands into it. There had to be a better way.
The benefits to gLOVE Treat are that it's quick and easy to use. We have one size fits all, and we use all natural ingredients. It's hygienic and safe, no mess, no fuss. Each pair can be used up to four times.
Just take it out of the box and put them in the microwave for 90 seconds. It's been in for 90 seconds, and it's almost perfect. You can notice that the one corner of the heart is turning red. That's the indicator telling you that it's a little bit too hot.
Wait for the red to go away, and it's perfectly safe to put your hands in. Just slide the paraffin gloves off your hands, and massage any excess oil through your hands and up through your arms.
I'm excited to offer you gLOVE Treat because I think it's a great way for you to treat yourself once a week, to treat your dry hands, to treat yourself after a long workday, to pamper yourself.
I offer you gLOVE Treat. Treat yourself once a week.